Hiäsigs Bannerlen Gadä



farm shop
Hiäsigs is at home in the beautiful Engelberg Valley - where mountain peaks and snow-capped mountains rise up to the left and right.
"Hiäsigs" stands for local, from here, home-made from the Engelberg Valley. "Vo Bärg und Tal" stands for our four locations, which we move to in spring and autumn together with our livestock and cultivate with great dedication The precious products from the organic farm, meadows, forest and garden are refined with natural ingredients.

The unadulterated flavour of local products is reproduced in the food produced by hand and made accessible to everyone. That's why - "vo Outzällä uisä i d'Wäut."

Hiäsigs won the gold medal at ALP'24, the first international competition for regional Alpine products, with its lardo, the white gold from the Black Alpine pig. The event was organised by CULINARIUM ALPINUM in Stans and takes place every two years.

Good to know


Winter: Monday to Sunday, 08.00 - 18.30 hrs
Summer: Monday to Sunday, 08.00 - 20.00 hrs

Price info

Cash payment on site (no return money)
Payment by invoice also possible when ordering.

Payment Options

cash payment, Twint, Bank Transfer

Contact person


Getting there

Bannerlen Gadä
6388 Grafenort