Geissäheimet Meierskählen



The Meierskählens at the foot of the Stanserhorn offers a variety of fresh goat products. The farm also offers relaxing holidays with a view of Stans and the mountains.
Geissäheimet processes everything from goat's milk to goat sausages and goat fur. Since 1990, they have devoted themselves exclusively to goat farming and have specialised in this in recent years. Their steep land is ideal for farming with goats. On the pastures with forest edges and hedges, they can live out their species-specific behaviour and have the best grasses and herbs to choose from. Of course, the goat is not to be missed and is seasonally active with the herd.

The milk is processed as raw milk and by the boss himself into various specialities such as formaggini and extra-hard goat's cheese. The farm's own cheese dairy allows the milk to be handled with care as there are no transport routes. As the milk can be cheesed immediately after milking, a considerable amount of energy is saved.

Good to know

Contact person

Geissäheimet Meierskählen
Toni Odermatt


Getting there

Geissäheimet Meierskählen
6370 Stans