Alpine dairy Bleiki



Alp Bleiki has been in the family since 1869 and is now in its fifth generation of traditional craftsmanship.
The Bleiki Alp is located at 1,400 metres, nestled on the sunny side of the Buochserhorn. The alpine pastures cover around 20 hectares of land and provide fodder for 26 dairy cows and 10 young cattle. The alpine season lasts from mid-May to the beginning of October. The alp relies on the best mountain and alpine milk from the region and focuses on the highest quality.

Good to know

Contact person

Alpkäserei Bleiki
Agnes & Paul Barmettler
Alp Bleiki
6383 Niederrickenbach


Getting there

Alpkäserei Bleiki
Alp Bleiki
6383 Niederrickenbach