Fräkmüntegg E-Bike Tour




28.44 km long
round trip
Difficulty: medium
condition: medium
Great panorama
  • 03:30 h
  • 28.44 km
  • 969 m
  • 974 m
  • 435 m
  • 1,403 m
  • 968 m
  • Start: Hergiswil train station
  • Destination: Hergiswil train station
Hergiswil – Fräkmüntegg – Mühlemäss – Hohwald – Kriens – Horw - Hergiswil

The Fräkmüntegg enjoyment tour is full of views and offers several places to stop for refreshments along the way. From Lake Lucerne to the "Fräki" you can comfortably ascend 1000 meters in altitude with the e-bike and then enjoy a leisurely descent.

Good to know

Best to visit

Depends on weather


We leave Hergiswil train station and turn right into Mühlestrasse and then left into Renggstrasse. The road winds up until Lägebrugg and past the valley station of the Alpgschwänd cable car. From here a 4 km nature trail leads up to the highest point of the tour, Fräkmüntegg, and then goes down to Mühlemäss. On an asphalt road we descend to Kriens, passing the valley station of the Kriens-Fräkmüntegg cable car. On the onward journey we pass numerous neighbourhoods and football grounds. In Horw, the path runs partly parallel to the motorway towards Hergiswil. The last section of the tour is on the signalised cycle routes No. 3 and 9. We enjoy the view of Lake Lucerne and the surrounding mountains. On the Seestrasse we turn right at the "Glasi Pub" into Bahnhofstrasse and are back at Hergiswil train station.

Tour information

  • Loop Road

  • Stop at an Inn


Eine gute Ausrüstung inkl. Regen- und Wämeschutz, Reparatur- und Erstehilfe-Set sind auf einer MTB-Tour immer dabei. Helmtragen ist selbstverständlich und für die Dämmerung ist ein Licht erforderlich. E-Bikes brauchen ein Tagfahrlichlicht auf allen öffentlichen Verkehrsflächen.

Directions & Parking facilities

Additional information

For tourist information:
Nidwalden Tourism
Bahnhofplatz 2
6370 Stans
+41 41 610 88 33

Cycling routes
Mountain bike tours


Die Broschüre «Velotouren in Ob- und Nidwalden» ist bei Nidwalden Tourismus erhältlich.


Nidwalden Tourismus


Nidwalden Tourismus

Author´s Tip / Recommendation of the author

The tour is rideable in both directions. If you want to simplify the tour technically, go up via Kriens and down again. The section on the Hergiswil side is in the upper part on gravel and relatively steep. The section on the Kriens side is mostly asphalted.


Culinary tip in the vicinity:

Alpwirtschaft Unterlauelen, Hergiswil

On the farm of the Keiser family, you can spend the night in the hay or in the unique Hüttli. Fine specialities of Swiss cuisine are served in the Alpwirtschaft. The food on offer is always based on the utilisation of a whole animal.

Safety guidelines

Tragen Sie die richtige Schutzausrüstung, schätzen Sie Ihr Können richtig ein, gewähren Sie Wandernden den Vortritt, bleiben Sie auf dem Trail und schliessen Sie Weidezäune.

Orientieren Sie sich am Mountainbike Verhaltenskodex – so bleiben Sie auf Ihrem Mountainbike gern gesehen.


Getting there

Fräkmüntegg E-Bike Tour
6052 Hergiswil