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Good to know
The house with the many windows was built in 1586. The knights' hall and the ridge turret are special features. The builder, Knight Melchior Lussi of Stans (1529 - 1606), was a colonel in foreign military service, Landamman of Nidwalden and one of the most influential men of his time. He was knighted by Pope IV of the Holy Roman Church. He died before he ever lived in the house. The house was then inherited by one of his daughters, because of whose marriage to Commissioner Wolfgang Christen the property came into the possession of the Christen family. It was not until 1921 that the house was bought from the family and restored to its original state. Today, the Hechhuis belongs to the descendants of the famous Basel poet, Dr. Emanuel Stickelberger.
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As it is privately owned, it can only be admired from the outside.
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