Photos & Map
How would you like to arrive?
Good to know
Combine a Klewenalp hike with an enjoyable boat trip on Lake Lucerne. This way you arrive relaxed and don't have to worry about parking. Ideal for hikers, bikers and sun worshippers in summer and for snowshoe hikes and walks through the snow-covered surroundings in winter. The unique view of Lake Lucerne is the crowning reward of the Klewenalp Plausch.
Good to know
Target group
Individual guests
Directions & Parking facilities
The departure bridges are located directly next to Lucerne railway station.
Price info
2nd class fare:
With Half-Fare travelcard: CHF 44.00
Without Half-Fare travelcard: CHF 88.00
First class fare:
With Half-Fare travelcard: CHF 65.00
Without Half-Fare travelcard: CHF 130.00
GA and Junior travelcard valid.
With Half-Fare travelcard: CHF 44.00
Without Half-Fare travelcard: CHF 88.00
First class fare:
With Half-Fare travelcard: CHF 65.00
Without Half-Fare travelcard: CHF 130.00
GA and Junior travelcard valid.
Important notice
Daily all year round.
Daily all year round.
Package feature
The Klewenalp round trip includes the boat trip from Lucerne to Beckenried and back, as well as the ascent and descent from Beckenried to Klewenalp. The hiking ticket for the Klewenalp cableways also includes the Stockhütte-Emmetten gondola lift and the Emmetten-Beckenried postbus route. Catering on the boat or the mountain is not included.
Contact person
Schifffahrtsgesellschaft des Vierwaldstättersees (SGV) AG
Werftestrasse 5
6002 Luzern