Bannalpsee mountain inn



Spend your holiday at the idyllic Bannalpsee. Spend the night, eat and relax in one of the most beautiful places in Switzerland - surrounded by mighty mountains and unique nature

Good to know

Accessibility / Location

  • By the lake

  • In the mountains

  • Accessible by public transport

  • Near mountain railways

Equipment / Facility

  • Own restaurant

  • Group rooms

  • Mass stroke

  • Parking spaces

  • Wheelchair accessible

  • Terrace

Payment Options

cash payment, Mastercard


Restaurant accessible by wheelchair. Pick-up (by Haflinger) possible at the mountain station

Social Media

Price info

Cash or card payment from CHF 20.00 possible. No Twint

More information

Arrival: Free parking available in Oberrickenbach at the Fellboden cable car valley station. Use the railway or hiking trail. From the mountain station
it is approx. 5 minutes to the Bannalpsee mountain inn.

Getting there

Berggasthaus Bannalpsee
Bannalp 10
6387 Oberrickenbach
