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Good to know
Ride up to the Stanserhorn early in the morning at a special reduced price to experience the sunrise. After the sunrise, enjoy a delicious breakfast (CHF 22.50/person) for the perfect start to a wonderful sunny day!
Extra mountain rides in the early morning from 05.45 a.m.
Afterwards from 8.15 a.m. normal train service from Stans at xx.00 and xx.30 a.m.
It will be decided the day before whether the sunrise trips will definitely take place. Information on the operation can be found at or by calling 041 618 80 40.
Extra mountain rides in the early morning from 05.45 a.m.
Afterwards from 8.15 a.m. normal train service from Stans at xx.00 and xx.30 a.m.
It will be decided the day before whether the sunrise trips will definitely take place. Information on the operation can be found at or by calling 041 618 80 40.
Good to know
Price info
CHF 41.00 for ascent and descent without half-fare card
CHF 30.00 for ascent and descent with half-fare card
CHF 20.50 for ascent without half-fare card
CHF 15.00 for ascent with half-fare card
CHF 30.00 for ascent and descent with half-fare card
CHF 20.50 for ascent without half-fare card
CHF 15.00 for ascent with half-fare card
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