Seht euch die Vögel des Himmels an



other events
“Bird Stories” and ”Feathered Music”

The spiritual stories about eagles, ravens, storks and pigeons unfold their symbolism and wisdom, accompanied by musical pieces that make the divine in nature audible. This event brings the world of birds to life in sound and words and invites you on a cheerful and contemplative journey.

Music: Christoph Blum, Johanna Schaub, Valery Burot

Thoughts and stories: Franz Enderli

Admission: CHF 20.-

The event takes place in the Sust in the Grafenort manor house. The Café Bar in the Sust will be open from 10 am.
The number of places is limited - principle
“first come, first served”.


Sunday, the 23.03.2025


Good to know

Contact person

Neuschwändistrasse 15 6390 Engelberg
Neuschwändistrasse 15
6390 Engelberg


Getting there

Seht euch die Vögel des Himmels an
Herrenhaus 1
6388 Grafenort